Kundalini Revive is a powerful energy transmission that goes beyond traditional practices to open space within your energetic body, releasing stagnant or dense energy that no longer serves you.
*Remember, no one can activate or awaken your kundalini energy for you—this sacred transformation only unfolds when you're truly ready.
Kundalini Revive is an advanced energy healing modality, working like a form of quantum surgery that transcends the physical, emotional, mental, and energetic bodies. It clears blockages, integrates higher frequencies, and infuses light directly into the cells, purifying them and lifting your vibrational resonance from lower to higher states of being.
As this transformation occurs, the consciousness expands enhancing mental clarity and dissolving barriers. Limiting beliefs and negative thought patters gradually dissipate, paving the way for a shift in reality towards a more empowered existence, changing your life and reality.
Each energy centre in our body has a field where there is repressed information. This information is inherit from past generations or created from past experiences as emotional traumas. This information can be manifested itself in the physical body in form of diseases, fears, insecurities, blockages, pain...
It is a powerful energy healing modality that enhances the generation of new neural connections and the central nervous system is restructured accelerating the healing. It also allow us to expand our state of consciousness and align with our true self.
Everyone feels the energy in different ways. And every session is different.
The most common experiences are:
ENERGETIC EXPERIENCE: Lying still and feeling the energy running through the body. Also you can feel cold or hot, electric shocks of energy, pain in past injuries or a weighted feeling to the ground.
VISUAL EXPERIENCE: If third eye is activated, allows one to see light, colours and images, as well as to experience astral travel. Also receive messages from your higher self or source.
EMOTIONAL RELEASE EXPERIENCE: Emotions that have been held in the body can be brought to the surface to be felt, such as anger, sadness, fear, love, joy, gratitude. Sometimes they can have memories or stories attached to them. So you can laugh, cry, sing, scream, yawn, cough, hum...
KINESTHETIC EXPERIENCE: Strong desire to move your body in a certain way. This may show up as stretches, yoga poses, shaking, mudras...
STATE OF BLISS EXPERIENCE: A feeling of connection to your soul or to the source. Profound sense of oneness, connection, intense gratitude, pure joy, calm, peace, out of body experience.
Unblock, clean and purify the blocks in your energetic, physical and emotional system.
Re-regulation of all the systems in the physical body.
Greater sense of alignment in life. Calming effects on your overall state of mind. Mental clarity.
A sense of peace and freedom. Increased awareness of the body, mind and energy plus awakened intuition.
The layers of conditioned mental, emotional, social and cultural limitation can be released.
A deeper connection with yourself experiencing more harmony within yourself.
Change of habits. Lifestyle changes. Empowerment. Feeling energized.
Shifting into higher levels of consciousness and vibration.
Emotional release, breakthroughs and completing trauma cycles.
You can feel more and think less.
Relief of stress and feeling less tension in your body.
The energy is still working on you for a few days after the session. That’s why is really important the integration of it.
You need to create a space for your bodies (physical, spiritual, mental, emotional and energetic) adapt to the changes.
When we are doing the session we are open to feel it all and this should be the same mindset for the days after. Some people witness themselves feeling a lot of changes after the session and other people feel less... every journey is unique. Don’t expect be a new person the day after the session... it takes time, it’s a process.
So, what can happen after a session:
YOUR ENERGY LEVELS CAN CHANGE: You can experience an increase of energy levels or also experience a decrease in energy levels. Don’t take anything for granted, your body and system is regulating themselves. Just respect it and embrace it. If you feel more tired than usual maybe is because your system has spent long time in fight and flight response. And if you feel more energized maybe it’s because your system has spent long time in Rest and Digest state.
YOU CAN EXPERIENCE A PHYSICAL PURIFICATION: As the energy is healing your physical body, if it is need it, you might experience a physical purification. Maybe you need to urinate or you sweat more than usual, you might have diarrhea, vomiting... These symptoms can last between 2 or 3 days after the session. It is a natural body detox.
YOU CAN EXPERIENCE A EMOTIONAL PURIFICATION: Same as before, you can experience ups and downs. Emotions like anger, sadness, helplessness can appear without any reason. The emotions that have been repressed a long time can get liberated. Just embrace what is happening and let it go. Don’t be hard on yourself. Continue to allow it without judgement.
YOU CAN EXPERIENCE A MENTAL PURIFICATION: Same as before, your thoughts, habits, behaviors patters can change. Also your limiting beliefs.
YOU CAN FEEL BLISS: You might feel freer, happier, more grateful, more joy
YOU CAN HAVE VIVID DREAMS: If your third eye got opened during the session it’s very common to experience vivid dreams also as nightmares. You can sleep as a baby or have difficulties to sleep.
Try to honour the process being in contact with yourself. Do whatever you usually do to be with yourself. It can be surfing, yoga, meditation, singing, dancing, drawing, journaling...
Spend some time in nature (if possible alone). Ideal barefoot walks, swim into the ocean or river, watch the sunset or sunrise...
Try to respect yourself about what you want to eat. If you are craving for a specific food try to give to your body what is needed.
Drink a lot of water
Try to respect yourself, for example; imagine you had a plan for the next day and you don’t really want to go, please don’t go. Listen deeply to your inner voice.
Highly recommended do gentle yoga, meditation or pranayama. Be aware of your breath.
Practice gratitud
Not recommended if you have/had schizophrenia or psychotic breaks
Not recommended if you are +3 months pregnant
Not recommended if you have heart diseases or if you have a peacemaker implanted